Welcome to After Tax Reporting Solutions, LLC (ATRS)
"If taxable investors had access to after-tax reporting, would they ever use pre-tax reporting?"
ATRS’s performance reporting data solution integrates with industry leading performance reporting providers to augment their already world class investment performance reporting solution. By enhancing current reporting with after-tax output, capital stewards are able to improve investment outcomes.
Our Story
Founded on our belief that capital stewards must contemplate and plan for wealth management’s largest expense: TAXES
Designed through collaboration and focus groups with wealth management advisors, clients, and tax advisors.
Committed to up front understanding of user’s goals & objectives to ensure successful technology integration.
Coordinated with current reporting provider to ensure high quality data you can trust without security concerns.
Our Team
Gary Langham
• 100% owner of ATRS, LLC
• 25 years in wealth management advisory services
• A founding member of RCL Advisors (NYC wealth management firm) from 2007 – 2018
• Experience at Deloitte & Touche, Ernst & Young, and Andersen Tax (formerly WTAS) as advisor in private client groups from 1998 - 2007
Chetu, Inc.